Base64 Encoder & Decoder - Encode and Decode Text to Base64

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Base64 is a binary-to-text encoding scheme that represents binary data in an ASCII string format by translating it into a radix-64 representation. The goal of Base64 encoding is to make binary data appear as ASCII text so that it can be easily transmitted over email, HTTP, and other media that are designed to transport text.

Base64 encoding works by grouping six binary bits (one byte) into groups of three. Each group of three bits is then converted to a single ASCII character. The ASCII character set is used because it is supported by all major computer systems and platforms.

How to use a Base64 encoder and decoder

To use a Base64 encoder and decoder, simply enter the text or binary data that you want to encode or decode in the input field and select the appropriate operation. The encoder and decoder will then calculate the converted data and display it in the output field.

Here are some examples of Base64 encoding and decoding:

Encoding: Encode the text "Hello, world!" to Base64.


Decoding: Decode the Base64 string "SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ==" to text.

Hello, world!

Benefits of using a Base64 encoder and decoder

There are many benefits to using a Base64 encoder and decoder. Base64 encoders and decoders can be used to:

  • Encode and decode text and binary data to Base64.
  • Debug computer programs.
  • Understand how computers work.

Base64 encoders and decoders are a valuable tool for anyone who works with data. If you need to encode or decode text or binary data to Base64, or if you want to learn more about Base64 encoding, then I encourage you to use a Base64 encoder and decoder.